Thursday, 15 June 2017


Have an eye for : be able to appreciate and unsderstand something
Have a ball : enjoy your self a lot
Have no idea : mot know anything
Have a good nose for : have a special ability for finding something
Have an open mind : be able to accept new ideas or suggestions
Take your breath away : really surprise
Take your mind off : helps you forget
Take it easy : relax
Take it from (me/us) : Believe us

Monday, 22 May 2017

Reported speech verbs

Recommend - Recomendar
Agree - Estar de acuerdo
Complain - Quejarse
Deny - Negar
Admit - Admit
Boast - Presumir
Insist -Insistir
Stated - Empezar
Pointed out
Beg -Molestar
Claim - Reclamar
Assure -Asegurar
Mention - Mencionar
Repeat - Repetir
Reassure - Tranquilizar
Persuade - Tranquilizar
Confirm - Confirmar
Announce - Anunciar
Refuse - Rechazar

Tuesday, 28 March 2017


I think in the second term in English class I have learn a lot of grammar and vocabulary but I think in vocabulary I have to work much in the third term
Resultado de imagen de inglesThis term I used more the blog´s exercises than in the first term
I learn a lot with Clarissa because she´s classes has a lot of fluency because we play games
We leanrt about the 18th century in England because we read the book and we did the term proyect about this

In conclusion I´m proud of this term and I want to
start the next one

Monday, 27 March 2017

Unit 5


Interaction : Reciprocal action , effect or influence
Politeness : Showing good maners
Diplomacy : The conduct by goverment officials or relations between nations
Rank: A social or official position or standing
Ettiquette : The rules of proper social or proffesional behaviour
Tradiction :The handing down of statements , beliefs , etc
Consideration :Something kept in mind in making a decision
Rudeness :Whithout culture , learning , or refreshment
Appreciatin: Clear perception and understanding of something
Nettiquettte :The informal code of behaviour on internet
Manners :A way of doing ,being done or happening

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

p.e exercises

The volleybal court has a rectangle form of 18 meters of lenght and 9 of widht
and each field has 9 meters of lenght and 9 meters of widht
The net is 2.43 m for the men and 2.24 for the woman
Every time a team wins a rally (jugada) they get a point and the right to serve . The first team who get 25 points they get a set but if the marker is 24-24 continues until a teamgets two points of different . The winner of the match is the team that wins 3 sets . When the two team are tied at 2 sets , playing a fifth and final set of 15 points
You can touch the ball with any part of the bofy
A team can make a maximum of 3 touches to pass the ball to the opposite track
You cant vary the order od rotation during the development of the set
You can´t do to consecutive touches except after making a block
Reception/Defense : In the first touch you can use the forearm pass and the finger touch
Set up: The second touch are usually performed by fingers pass , but if it is necessary can be also use the forearm pass
Smash : Normally carried out by forward position´s players but it can be made by players that are behind of them if the don´t pass the line attack , just 3 meters frm the net

Tuesday, 7 March 2017



Aching muscles : Causing physical pain in the muscle
Broken legs : Fracture legs
Sore back : suffering bodily pain from back
Dislocated shoulders : to put out
Stiff neck : not moving neck
Swollen ankles : Inflamate ankles
Sprained wrist : an injury to the ligaments around a joint
Itchy skin : to have irritation in your skin
allergic reactions : when your body respons to some material with itchy skin or other symptom

Glossary "A convicts tale"

bad-tempered: Angry , irritable
bruises: mark on body
Buns: Sweet type of bread
Court official: Place where legal decisions are made
Deck : Floor of ship
Dragged: pull along the ground
Drown : die in water
Dye: coloring material
Grabbed: take hold of
Guilty: convicted of a crime
Hemp: rough fibre
Icing: frosting on cake
Knitting: item  being knitted
Laundry maid: person who do the laundry
Logs: tree tunk segment
Mangle: clothes wringer
Mud: dirt and water
Nappies: babbies nappy
Rings: jewellery worn in finger
Sewer: pipes of waste
Starch: (almidón)
Starving: very hungry
Straw: stalk of cereal plant
Tub: holds liquids
Well: natural water source
Tears: drop of water from the eyes
Surgeon: person who does surgeries
Diseases: sickness

Tuesday, 7 February 2017



 Chemical : Substance produced by or used in chemestry
Adaptable : Something that is able to change for new sitations
Alternative : something that is different from the usual r tradicional way
Electronics : relating to electronics or devices systems developed throughtt electrnics
Deviced : inentions
 Cmputer-Generated : the process of using computers to create pisctures or  characters infilm and television
 Energy-saving : something that reduces the use of electricity
 Mechanical : relating to machinery or tools
 Ultimate : something tah is high-tech
 Wire-less: Wi-Fi
 Innovate : Something that reducesthe use of electricity
Sustainable : smeething that uses energy in a way doesn´t damage the enviroment
 Process : a continuous action , operation , or series of changes taking place in  a definitive manner
 Absorb : to take in and make it part of a larger group
  Crash : to break or fall to pieces with noise
  Transports : to move something from one side to other side
  Boosting : to lift by pushing from below
  Releases : to let go
  Rest : to relax
  Burn : to be on fire